
Name: Orion
Age: 22 years old.
Height: 175 cm
Birthday: 21st March
Vision: Electro
Weapon: Claymore
Affiliation: Fatui. Tartaglia Division
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Constellation: Tenebris Fulgur
FC: Mineo Enomoto ( Collar x Malice )
VC: Asanuma Shintaro

ABOUT:He might seem like a brat at times, but those who have provoked him and challenged him into a fight tend to be intimidated. It's wise to not make him mad, or it could be fatal. Orion can get quite dangerous. He likes having fun, and sometimes he can be a bit chaotic. However, you'll never see a moment of weakness in him. He's confident of his strength and even smug about it.Of course, not to the point of challenging his boss (Tartaglia). In fact, he praises him. Orion feels a huge respect towards him. When he's around, Orion tries to behave and have good manners, yet sometimes fails. Specially because he might seem nervous around him. But it's all out of admiration.There's some air of mistery around him, specially with the eyepatch he wears. It's uncommon to see him without it, yet sometimes he takes it off.

BACKGROUND:Born in Snezhnaya, Orion never got on well with his family. They always put great pressure in him with his studies, and they wanted him to focus on that alone. He didn't like the future plans they decided for him. Studying Medicine and marrying a woman they chose? No way he'd agree to that.He didn't even feel interest in women. And it was his life, so the one choosing should be him and him alone.His parents apparently died in an accident. Yet Orion knew how different that was from the truth. But no one had to know. And they were better like this. Now he could be free to make his own decisions.And his decision was to join the Fatui. His family didn't know, but he always took a liking to fighting. Hell, it made him so excited. The tougher the opponent the better.Proving what he was worth of, Orion got assigned to Tartaglia's division.

Other versesMultiverse: The LibraryHis real name and age are unknown, but that doesn’t matter to him, since his work is more important. He was a skilled hitman that was later hired by an organization known amongst its workers as “The Library”. There are many kind of jobs within the Library, but “Orion” is specialised in the dirty jobs: murder, exhortation, kidnapping, spying…For each mission he is sent to a world and given an objective and an identity. Sometimes he works alone, and other times the Library makes him work in teams. It doesn’t matter to him as long as he succeeds and gets the money.Each world has a different entrance for the main headquarters but one is only allowed to enter if being called by the higher-ups.